Legal notice for the website

Lycée franҫais d’Oslo
Skovveien 9 – 0257 Oslo – Norway

Publication director: School Head of the Lycée franҫais d’ Oslo
Editor-in-chief: Communication Manager at the Lycée français d’ Oslo

Website hosting: Bluehost

Conception and realization of the website: Marlène MAES

Politique de confidentialité



The data, not exhaustive, presented on the website of the Lycée français d’Oslo are offered for information purposes.
In spite of all the care brought to the checking of the contents and the information, the elements posted on line shall not, in any way whatsoever, engage the responsibility of the Lycée franҫais d’ Oslo.

The school cannot be held responsible for changes that may occur during the year. Therefore, it is left to the visitors to verify the accuracy of the information directly with our services or with official documents (financial conditions, school rules etc.).


By surfing on our site, you accept the use of cookies. The choice to accept is free. Cookies are information stored in your browser and are based on article 6 no. 1 f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (« GDPR »), that allows us to offer you a better online experience during your visit.

There is no commercial operation of the school. If you want more information on the subject, you can click on this link to know the LFO politic about cookies utilisation (document in French, waiting for translation).


All photos and videos used by the Lycée français d’Oslo are for profiling purposes. The purpose of the profiling is to make it easy for our potential, future and current students to get an insight into the Lycée français d’Oslo internal events, such as courses and social gatherings.

The images will also be used in the recruitment context for publishing printed material, newsletters and social media.


In accordance with the Norwegian Copyright Act (åndsverkloven), any reproduction, representation, modification, adaptation, distribution, and / or translation of any of the elements of the site, in whole or in part, on any medium whatsoever (electronic, paper , etc.) is prohibited without the express prior permission of the Lycée français d’Oslo.

Any use not expressly authorized constitutes a copyright infringement and an infringement in application and may also constitute an act of unfair competition. The Lycée français d’Oslo reserves the right to take legal action based on civil and/or criminal liability against any person who has not complied with this prohibition.

Non-commercial reuse, including educational reuse, is authorized on the condition of respecting the integrity of the information and not altering its meaning, scope or application and of specifying its origin and its date of publication. The information may not be used for commercial or promotional purposes without the express permission and obtaining a license for the reuse of public information. The development from public information of a product or service intended to be made available to third parties, free of charge or onerous, is considered as reusae for commercial or promotional purposes.
For the use of editorial content or photos, you can send an e-mail to


In accordance with chapter 3 of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data that concern them.

This right is exercised by post, justifying his identity, to the following address:

Lycée franҫais d’Oslo
Communication department
Skovveien 9 – 0257 Oslo – Norway

or by e-mail at

However, if the data subject has given an oral contest and the processing of data is based on this legal basis, the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data may be exercised orally.