IL Competition finale

This Friday, April 29 in Kristiansand, the René Cassin high school took part in the final of IL Competition, the Scandinavian language competition (Competition), in the middle school category (in Kristiansand). Three of the four languages ​​in the competition were represented by our students.

In Spanish : Lia Caetano-Langfeldt & Timeea Stancu Granberg

In German : Nicolas Couto Motta & Simon Grabowski

In English :  Nicolas Noury & Jonas Postic

We are proud to announce that all of our students came out on top, they all got prizes and awards for their brilliant performances. (Our students obtained very honorable results and we are proud of it.

We especially want to congratulate:

  • the Spanish students who obtained the FIRST PRIZE for the second consecutive year
  • the German students who obtained a very honorable SECOND PLACE for their first participation.
  • the English students (in turn) also obtained a good fourth place.

Congratulations to all !

The IL Competition is the most important language competition (for) offered to middle and high school students in Scandinavia. This year in Norway, 10,000 students took part (candidates presented themselves), all languages ​​and categories combined. All the more reason (this is a more than obvious reason) to be (still) very proud of our students.

We want to (particularly) thank our colleagues Simon Müller, Jacqueline Krämer Grand and Gaspard Levavasseur who accompanied and encouraged our students in Kristiansand. Thank you for being there until the end !

Språk åpner dører!😀

(Mesdames) MP. Fiquet, N.Klepstad et I.Smedsgaard