
The French Lycée René Cassin in Oslo is a parent-managed establishment under agreement with the AEFE (Agency for the Teaching of French Abroad, Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

The Association of the French School of Oslo (ALFO)

Any parent of a pupil and any staff of the establishment working at least half-time is a member of our association.

The ALFO general assembly, which meets once a year, is the privileged moment for communication, information and dialogue on the management of our establishment.

The members of the Association du Lycée Français d’Oslo (ALFO) elect at the General Assembly the representatives of the parents who will sit on the School Board, the managing body of the Lycée français René Cassin d’Oslo.

School Board

The School Board (CG), elected by the members of ALFO at a general meeting, has economic responsibility for the establishment and therefore responsibility for the budget of the Lycée français d’Oslo.

The most important decisions cover for example:

  • Budgetary options, and therefore future tuition fees
  • Recruitment of local staff Service contracts.
  • The acquisition of equipment
  • The start of development projects

It is a real democratic body allowing parents to participate actively and concretely in the development of the school.

The board works in partnership with the management and supports the school’s educational project through its action.

The School Board is made up of 8 members with voting rights, namely 8 parents of students including 4 French representatives, 3 Norwegian representatives and 1 representative of third nationality.

The parents are re-elected every year and work on a voluntary basis. and 7 representatives in an advisory capacity composed of:

  • The Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Action,
  • The head of the Consular Chancellery,
  • The head of the establishment or the deputy director,
  • The Finance and Human Resources Director,
  • A staff representative appointed by the local Joint Consultative Commission
  • One representative for each of the two Norwegian employee unions.

The Board answers your questions, suggestions or comments concerning the management of the Lycée français René Cassin in Oslo on the email

Your message will be treated confidentially. Warning ! For any other question (general questions, registration, etc.), refer to the contact page.



The Institution Council

The Institution Council (CE) is chaired by the head of the establishment and competent for all matters relating to the pedagogical and educational matters of the school. it adopts in particular:

  • the school project
  • the internal rules
  • School timetables and calendar for the year
  • the annual guidance education plan

The establishment council also issues its opinion on a number of subjects such as proposals for the development of educational structures, the organization of educational life, questions of staff working conditions, etc.

The Establishment Council is made up of 15 members with voting rights, namely:

  • Head of school (president)
  • Accounting Manager
  • CPE
  • School director
  • 5 representatives of teaching and education staff and administrative and service staff
  • 5 representatives of the legal representatives of the pupils

of 6 members with an advisory vote :

  • The Consul of France or his representative
  • Delegates to the Assembly of French Citizens Abroad in the constituency
  • 2 qualified personalities on the proposal of the head of the establishment
  • 2 representatives of the Management Board

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the parents elected to the CE at


Gilles DARAM


Thibaut TERRAL



Corinne GERARD

Isabelle VERICEL

Clarence CREPIN

  • Mathilde SANGLIER
  • Ana-Marija GRÖNDAHL
  • Astrid GUGUEN HØST

AMU: Hélène Chabiron and Cécile Dal Bon

Verneombud: Marie Albin-Amiot


School council

The school council adopts the internal rules of the school on the proposal of the school director.

The council must be consulted for its opinion on all questions relating to the operation and life of the school and in particular on :

  • educational structures;
  • organization of school time and calendar;
  • the school project or the establishment project in its 1st degree part on the proposal of the council of teachers;
  • specific actions to ensure better use of the resources allocated to the school and good adaptation to its environment;
  • the conditions for adjusting the schooling of pupils with special educational needs;
  • the projects and organization of discovery classes;
  • issues relating to the hygiene, health and safety of students in the school and extracurricular context;
  • the principles for choosing teaching materials and tools;
  • issues relating to reception, information for parents of pupils and the general terms and conditions of their participation in school life.
  • the annual action program of the school-college council;
  • the annual action program against all forms of violence, discrimination and harassment;
  • The annual action program for education in sustainable development.

The school council adopts the internal rules of the school on the proposal of the school director.

The council must be consulted for its opinion on all questions relating to the operation and life of the school and in particular on :

  • educational structures;
  • organization of school time and calendar;
  • the school project or the establishment project in its 1st degree part on the proposal of the council of teachers;
  • specific actions to ensure better use of the resources allocated to the school and good adaptation to its environment;
  • the conditions for adjusting the schooling of pupils with special educational needs;
  • the projects and organization of discovery classes;
  • issues relating to the hygiene, health and safety of students in the school and extracurricular context;
  • the principles for choosing teaching materials and tools;
  • issues relating to reception, information for parents of pupils and the general terms and conditions of their participation in school life.
  • the annual action program of the school-college council;
  • the annual action program against all forms of violence, discrimination and harassment;
  • The annual action program for education in sustainable development.

The School Council is made up of:

  • School principal
  • several teachers
  • several representatives of parents, including at least one per level of education
  • Camille DUVAL
  • Bénédicte ELOY
  • Camille GUILLAUME
  • Caroline JOUAN
  • Delphine GILBERT
  • Kathra SABA
  • Tristan CHAMPION
  • Charlotte GIRARDOT

Here is a summary of the questions asked by parents at the last School Councils meetings.

Yearly Transparency Report

The Lycée Français d’Oslo Yearly Transparency Report is a document that aims to provide a transparent overview of our activity in Norway. The report underlines our commitment to strict compliance with Norwegian laws, employee rights and environmental responsibility. It provides an overview of our purchasing practices, our compliance with Norwegian labor standards, and our initiatives to minimize our environmental impact. This document serves as a key means of communication with our stakeholders, demonstrating our commitment to institutional responsibility and our positive contribution to Norwegian society.