The elementary (5 to 11 years old) and secondary (12 to 18 years old) levels are open to any pupil who is willing and able to follow a French language course, provided they pass a language test in elementary school.
The enrolment phase is preceded by a pre-registration. This involves an application fee (NOK 2,500), which must be paid directly when the application is sent.
The allocation committee usually meets in mid-March, based on the pre-registration.
We examine completed applications from March onwards. Please note that incomplete applications will delay the admission process. Letters of admission will be written as soon as possible. Enrolment will be definitive once the deposit (NOK 2,600) and enrolment fee (NOK 2,500) have been paid.
If your arrival date in Norway does not correspond to the school calendar, please contact us for details of enrolment outside the school calendar.