The French Baccalauréat

Baccalaureat and high school orientation

Our students can choose between 2 subjects, 3 specialities and 2 in Terminale.

Below is a description of the programmes and specialities.

Pour approfondir les disciplines qui vous intéressent, vous choisissez 3 spécialités en 1re (vous n’en suivrez plus que 2 en terminale). Si vous voulez avoir une idée de ce qui sera enseigné dans les spécialités, voici les descriptifs et les programmes : 

Specialities in high school

History-geography, geopolitics and political science” is a special subject that brings together history, geography, geopolitics and political science to help students understand the contemporary world.

In Première, students analyse a political system: democracy. They study the international power of states, political borders, the challenges of information and the relationship between religion and power.

Pupils in Première can take a specialised course in ‘Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLCER)’ in English. This LLCER speciality enables students to gradually acquire a firm command of the language and an understanding of the associated culture. It prepares students for further study and mobility. 

  • It draws on a wide variety of media to tackle contemporary issues in the English-speaking world: the written and audiovisual press, online information sites, extracts from scientific publications, speeches, iconographic and cartographic documents, statistics, films, etc.
  • It contributes to the development of students’ reading and writing skills.
  • It contributes to the development of pupils’ reading skills, their critical and analytical faculties and their independence, as well as their command of the language in everyday contexts.
    This teaching aims to make pupils aware of the diversity of societies and cultures in the contemporary English-speaking world. The themes of the first year consist, on the one hand, of identifying contemporary manifestations of the production and circulation of knowledge, and the particular ways in which the English-speaking world achieves scientific and technological advances in a variety of fields, and, on the other hand, studying the notion of representation in its various meanings (political, aesthetic, etc.), particularly the representations conveyed in the media.

The speciality mathematics programme expands on the concepts covered in 2de and introduces new ones.

This speciality enables students to develop a taste for mathematics, to appreciate its approaches and concepts, and to master abstraction.

The syllabus is organised into five main sections:

  • Algebra
  • Analysis
  • Geometry
  • Probability and statistics
  • Algorithms and programming

Specialised teaching in Life and Earth Sciences (SVT) enables students to acquire a scientific culture based on the fundamental concepts of biology and geology.

Pupils develop scientific knowledge and skills that will enable them to take responsibility for the environment, health and safety.

The programmes for the final cycle are organised around three main themes:

  • the Earth, life and the evolution of living organisms ;
  • contemporary issues facing the planet, in particular those relating to the environment, sustainable development, resource management and risks;
  • the human body and health.

These themes also enable pupils to develop a critical mind and civic education.

The Economics and Social Sciences special subject is an extension of the common subject taught in Year 10.

It sheds light on the major economic, social and political issues facing contemporary societies.

It reinforces and deepens students’ mastery of the concepts, methods and issues of economics, sociology and political science.

The Physics and Chemistry specialism is based on experimental practice and modelling activities to enable pupils to establish a link between the world of objects, experiments and facts and that of models and theories.

The programme is structured around four themes that are based on everyday situations and help to make links with other scientific disciplines: “Constitution and transformations of matter”, “Movement and interactions”, “Energy: conversions and transfers”, “Waves and signals”.

The many areas of application give students a concrete, lively and up-to-date picture of physics and chemistry.

The secure path of my mark

Beginning of Terminale

The school assessment project, drawn up in each secondary school by the teaching team, presents common principles for student assessment.

All teachers have a common assessment guide to harmonize practices.

At the end of the final term or semester

The school’s class council validates the student’s continuous assessment marks.

At the end of the terminal

The Academic Harmonization Commission can, if necessary, lower or increase the continuous assessment marks transmitted by the class council.

The academic jury of the baccalaureate validates the obtaining of the examination and attributes mentions in view of the results.

The Grand Oral: What is it?