Internal regulation

Internal regulation 2024-2025

Table of Contents

The present internal regulations, approved on Monday, October 14, 2024, by the School Council, apply to all members of the educational community.

Enrolling a student by their family implies adherence to these regulations and a commitment to abide by their terms.

As a private institution under Norwegian law and part of the Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger (AEFE) network, the Lycée Français René Cassin provides education aligned with the programs, pedagogical objectives, and organizational rules applicable in France, preparing students for the same examinations and diplomas. It welcomes students of various nationalities and beliefs.

The education provided also meets the requirements of Norwegian education law and offers the opportunity to prepare for the internal regulations applicable at the end of compulsory schooling.

In compliance with the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the school ensures an education in a psychosocial and material environment that promotes the well-being of children. Furthermore, it develops and strengthens their knowledge and respect for human rights, including gender equality.

These regulations are also based on the fundamental principles of the education service: equality, neutrality, and secularism.

  • The principle of equality is expressed in two ways: equality of access to education and equality of treatment.
  • The principle of neutrality extends to several areas: the obligation of impartiality, respect for the public interest, and the freedom of conscience of each individual. This freedom leads to the concept of learning about citizenship and democracy.
  • The principle of secularism (in accordance with the French State’s Charter of Secularism) is understood as respecting pluralism, the freedom of others, and without affecting the teaching activities of the Lycée, the content of the programs, or the obligation of attendance.

The admission of a student to the Lycée Français René Cassin d’Oslo is subject to:

  1. Timely payment by the child’s legal guardian of the applicable school fees (registration fees, tuition fees, etc.) and, where applicable, full payment of any outstanding school fees from previous academic years (for re-enrollments).
  2. Acceptance of the present internal regulations and the financial regulations.



1.I.1 Right of Association

1.I.1.1 Definition and Conditions of Exercise: The right of association allows adult students to create an association within the school. Minor students can exercise this right as part of associations managed by adults.

1.I.1.2 Limits: Exercising the right of association requires adherence to general principles: secularism, neutrality, and pluralism. Associations must not have political, religious, or commercial objectives or activities. The program of activities must be presented to the General Assembly of Student Delegates for review and regularly communicated to the Principal and the School Council.

1.I.2 Right of Expression

1.I.2.1 Definition and Conditions of Exercise: The right of expression is both individual and collective, allowing students to express ideas, opinions, and proposals or to share information within the school. This right can be exercised through meetings, publications, surveys, or postings.

1.I.2.2 Limits: Exercising the right of expression must respect fundamental principles of education and individual rights: secularism, neutrality, pluralism, respect for others, tolerance, and the absence of propaganda or proselytism.

  • Any document published or posted must be signed by its author and pre-approved by the Principal or their representative, who reserves the right to suspend or stop its distribution.
  • Unauthorized postings and graffiti do not fall under the right of expression.
1.I.3 Right of Assembly

1.I.3.1 Definition and Conditions of Exercise: The right of assembly is a collective right aimed at facilitating the flow of information among students. Students may meet to discuss projects or topics of interest, which can then be brought to their representative bodies. Meetings must occur outside class hours as per the participants’ schedules. The Principal authorizes or denies the meeting, consulting the School Council if external guests are involved.

1.I.3.2 Limits: This right must be exercised in respect of neutrality, secularism, pluralism, and under conditions that ensure the safety of people and property. Topics for meetings or debates must focus on civic and social issues, current events, or matters of general interest relevant to the education of young people as citizens. Actions or initiatives of an advertising, commercial, political, religious, or proselytizing nature are prohibited.

1.I.4 Right of Representation

1.I.4.1 Class Delegates: Class delegates (two representatives and two substitutes) are elected by their peers according to the procedures established in the French educational system. They play a fundamental role as representatives and spokespersons.

1.I.4.1.a In Primary School: Two delegates are elected in each class from CP (Grade 1) to CM2 (Grade 5). Three council meetings are held annually, overseen by the Director. Minutes are distributed and discussed in class.

1.I.4.1.b Class Council: Two delegates attend class councils.

1.I.4.1.c High School Life Council (CVL) and Middle School Life Council (CVC): All high school students are eligible for the CVL, and all middle school students for the CVC. The Principal chairs these councils, with vice-presidents elected from among the students.

1.I.4.1.d School Council: CVL and CVC vice-presidents participate in School Council meetings with voting rights.

1.I.4.1.e Disciplinary Council: Two student representatives, elected to represent students at the School Council, participate in the Disciplinary Council.

1.I.5 Right to Well-Being

Every student has the right to a safe and healthy environment, and the school is obligated to consider the well-being of students in a broad sense. This aligns with Norwegian education law (OPPLAERINGSLOVEN, Chapter 12, sections 1–4), the French Education Code (Articles R511-1 to R511-75), and the Law of July 26, 2019, which guarantees every student the right to a harassment-free education in a trusted school.

If a student feels unwell at school, they must be heard, and a plan to improve their situation must be implemented in collaboration with the student and communicated to the parents. External partners may be consulted as part of this plan.

All school staff are responsible for safeguarding this right, with specific duties assigned to the School Life staff, the Principal Education Advisor, the Well-Being Team members, the Primary Director, and the Head of School. Any adult in the school is responsible for reporting signs of distress. Reporting procedures must be communicated to the administration, which is obligated to address any reported issues.

This right extends to all members of the school community. Article 9A-5 specifies that if school staff suspect or discover another staff member exposing a student to bullying, violence, or discrimination, they must immediately inform the Principal, who will then notify the school owner (Board President). If the offense involves a member of the administration, the report goes directly to the school owner.


Content and definitions of obligations

1.II.1 Obligation of assiduity and punctuality

1.II.1.1 Definition of attendance

Attendance is an essential condition for carrying out the student’s personal project and academic success. It consists of accomplishing all the tasks inherent to his studies.

It is required for all courses, whether compulsory or optional. The latter, chosen freely at the time of registration, become compulsory for the entire school year.

It implies that the student

  • Be present at all scheduled classes, including optional ones once chosen.
  • Arrive on time.
  • Complete homework and submit assignments on time.
  • Participate in knowledge assessments.
  • Attend information sessions on studies and career planning.
  • Engage in school-offered activities.

1.II.1.2 Checking the attendance requirement

1.II.1.2.a Method of control

At each hour of class, the teachers check the presence of the pupils who are placed under their responsibility. They make a call and report absences online via the school life software. Their responsibility is engaged if the control is not carried out rigorously.

In primary school, a roll call register is filled out in the morning and at the beginning of the afternoon, to list absent pupils, the reasons for absence and late arrivals. In the event of unjustified absences or repeated lateness, these are indicated by the teacher to the Director, who will discuss with the parents.

These provisions apply to other members of the educational team responsible for activities organized by the school.

1.II.1.2. b Justification of absences and late arrivals

For the primary

  • Parents must inform, in writing, of the absence of their child either the same day or when the student returns.
  • Any foreseeable occasional absence must obtain the prior approval of the primary school director.

For middle school (collège):

All absences or tardiness must be justified. The student affairs office evaluates the validity of the reasons provided. Acceptable reasons for absences include: events involving close family members, health issues, religious holidays or ceremonies listed in the Bulletin Officiel de l’Éducation Nationale, and administrative or medical appointments.

Parents must notify the student affairs office of their child’s absence on the same day, either by phone or email. Upon the student’s return to school, the absence must be justified in writing before they can rejoin their classes.

The head of the student affairs office immediately informs the student’s legal guardians via email if an absence is not duly justified and requests a supporting document.

For any foreseeable absence, written notice is required in advance. If an absence is due to an appointment during the school day, the student must report to the student affairs office before being allowed to rejoin their class.

Unjustified absences and tardiness are recorded on the student’s quarterly report card.

For high school (lycée):

Absences are categorized into two types: authorized absences and unauthorized absences.

Authorized absences

These are absences documented by the student’s legal guardians or by the student themselves (if they are of legal age) with an official justification. Authorized absences include:

  • Medical appointments.
  • Absences during an extended period of illness, supported by a health professional’s certificate.
  • Absences for “social reasons” (e.g., weddings, funerals, religious holidays recognized in the Bulletin Officiel de l’Éducation Nationale).
  • Internal elective participations (e.g., students representing the school in an official capacity). Justifications will be provided by the LFO.
  • Absences related to the student’s educational pathways, subject to prior appointment scheduling with the CPE or homeroom teacher:
    • Health Education Pathway (Parcours Éducatif de Santé).
    • Career Pathway (Parcours Avenir).
    • Artistic and Cultural Pathway (Parcours Artistique et Culturel).
    • Citizenship Pathway (Parcours Citoyen).
  • Absences caused by exceptional transportation issues.

Unauthorized absences

These include all other types of absences. Unauthorized absences are recorded on the student’s quarterly report card. They are counted in hours rather than half-days.

For both primary and secondary :

  • It is mandatory to report the appearance of contagious disease such as chickenpox or scarlet fever.
  • Depending on the case, a certificate of non-contagion may be required upon the student’s return.
  • The administration will inform families according to established procedures.

1.II.1.2.c Regular absences

If the number of absences becomes too high in one or more subjects, the pupil receives a written warning. If the absences continue, the student may be sanctioned more heavily. (See chapter 4)

For children in preschool, parents undertake to respect the principle of school attendance.

1.II.1.2. d Delays

In elementary school and preschool

If a pupil arrives late, he can only go to class with the authorization of the primary school director and will be accompanied by an adult from the school in class.

In middle school and high school

If a student arrives late for a lesson, he will have to go to school life (vie scolaire).

If more than 10 minutes late, the student may be refused access to the class. He will then be directed to the service of school life. From the 3rd delay, he may be invited to come on overtime work.

1.II.1.2. e Procedure

In the event that the number of late arrivals or absences is too great, the student and his parents can:

  • be invited to an interview with the management
  • receive an oral or written warning for the student

The Norwegian and French administrations will be informed of absences as part of the management of scholarships given to families for schooling. After 22 days of unjustified absence during the semester, re-registration the following year may be refused.

1.II.1.2.f : Exemption from sporting activities

An exemption or incapacity may be total or partial. For the latter, the teacher will adapt the activity, if possible.

Exemption for more than one cycle (sequence or module): Upon presentation of a medical certificate, with the agreement of the sport teacher, may be exempted.

The student must bring an appropriate outfit according to the activity practiced, the weather.

1.II.2 Methods of evaluating school work

In preschool a success booklet is regularly issued to parents indicating the progress of their child.

In elementary school, digital skills booklets can be consulted by parents twice a year.

In secondary school, the evaluation of school work makes it possible to assess the results and behavior of the term. A quarterly bulletin is given to parents (or directly to adult students) following the class council, to be kept for orientation procedures.

1.II.2.1 Absence from a test

This absence distorts the overall results of the student. If the absence is not justified, the student is sanctioned in accordance with Chapter 4.

Whether or not a justification is provided:
→ The teacher may administer a new assessment upon the student’s return.
→ Alternatively, if the teacher determines that the number of evaluations completed does not allow for a meaningful average of the student’s performance, the student will not receive grades for that trimester. In such cases, the report card will indicate the number of assessments completed out of the total for the trimester. The grades obtained will be accompanied by a qualitative comment rather than being averaged.

Regarding homework, students who fail to complete assignments by the specified deadline will be penalized in accordance with Chapter 4 and may be subject to an immediate assessment.

1.II.2.2 Cheating or plagiarism

It is forbidden to use texts, images and material without indicating the source. This is considered cheating or plagiarism.

The student who cheated or plagiarized will be sanctioned according to the procedures provided for in the rules of procedure; he may also be led to produce a new work depending on the nature of the plagiarism and the circumstances.

1.II.2.3 Zero Rating

A zero rating cannot be a disciplinary sanction. However, a work whose results are objectively zero, an assignment not submitted without valid reason, a blank copy or one manifestly tainted by cheating are justifiable for zero marking, which in no way excludes a disciplinary decision.

1.II.3 Obligations inherent in collective life and the operation of the school

Mutual respect from members of the school and educational community is expected. Reference is made to the fundamental principles: equality, neutrality, secularism and respect for human rights, including gender equality.

In this spirit, and although the school is not responsible for the acts committed by the pupils outside the school, it reserves the right to sanction any behavior which, by its repercussions, would harm the well-being of the members of the school community.

1.II.3.1 Respect for people

  • Respect other members of the school community (bullying, extortion and other verbal or physical violence are prohibited). The property complies with the rules of the Norwegian Welfare Act (Ch. 9A of the Norwegian Act). Any member of the community can ask management about a point regarding “well-being”. Management has 5 working days to provide a response or to put in place a procedure leading to an improvement in “well-being”.
  • Have a respectful attitude, dress and behavior.
  • Respect the instructions of any adult, member of the staff of the school and therefore having an educational mission.
  • No photo or video may be taken of a member of the community without their prior written permission. Any distribution on social networks of an image taken within the school of a member of the community must be subject to prior written authorization.
  • The large number of students present in the school requires the organization of staggered breaks: some classes may be in recess while others need concentration and calm to follow a course or take an exam: it is important to be aware that noise pollution disrupts the smooth running of the school: everyone is therefore asked, depending on their age or function, to contribute to keeping the noise level reasonable.
  • Any activity such as betting, games, challenge, coinage, which may lead to financial or material gains or losses is prohibited.

1.II.3.2 Respect for goods and hygiene

  • Respect the environment, the state of the buildings, the premises, the equipment. Any degradation is sanctioned and financial compensation may be requested from the parents.
  • In the event of damage, the high school student hostel may be closed as a precautionary measure for an indefinite period.
  • The notion of respect implies that everyone must be an actor in maintaining cleanliness. During the school year, students may be asked to participate in maintenance and cleaning actions. Similarly, if a student notices a lack of hygiene or safety, he is encouraged to report it to the administration as soon as possible.
  • Hygiene procedures for rooms and common areas must be respected
  • The health and hygiene rules in force must be respected.
  • It is forbidden to eat in the corridors, offices, or during lessons (except exams)
  • Pupils must get some fresh air during recess and not park in places not provided for this purpose (toilets, corridors, stairs, etc.)

1.II.3.3 Prohibited objects or products

  • It is forbidden to bring into the establishment dangerous, flammable or toxic objects, alcoholic or energetic drinks as well as objects or substances legally prohibited.

  • Transactions of valuables of any kind are prohibited. The school cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of personal items.

Cell phone use

For primary and secondary

The use of mobile phones or connected objects is not authorized within the premises of the school after authorization from a member of the staff. In order to enforce this rule, the phone must be turned off and stored at the bottom of the bag. You may also be asked to leave it in your locker.

On the Vulkan site, tolerance is granted during the students’ lunch break. On times outside of class, in the morning and in the afternoon, they are asked not to use their telephone. However, its use may be exceptionally authorized to allow group work. Students will contact the supervisor beforehand. Teachers within the class can propose its use to serve educational activities.

1.II.3.4 Cohabitation with primary school

The Lycée Français René Cassin welcomes students of extremely different ages. The coexistence of nursery, elementary, middle school and high school classes is an originality and a richness of our school.

However, it imposes rules of life.

Students are allowed to play ball independently under the following conditions:

  • Use a soft ball (neither leather nor hard inflated rubber).
  • Kick shots should always be controlled (no hard shots, no high shots).
  • Play must stop immediately when someone wishes to cross the field.
  • It is forbidden to play ball during the morning reception, until 8:45 a.m.

In the event of common primary/secondary recreation periods, the primary ones have priority over the play structure and the swings, the secondary ones have priority over the ping-pong table and ball games.

Access to the large structure is reserved for those over 5 years old: when in common use, priority of passage is given to the little ones

The swings are reserved for students up to 5eme (7th Grade)

The table tennis table must be used in turns

Adults can intervene at any time to regulate or prohibit games that are too dangerous

In the part of the building common to secondary and primary, secondary students must give priority of circulation to primary students, respect silence during interclasses, limit the noise level in the students’ foyer.

1.II.3.5 Animals are prohibited within the premises of the establishment.

1.II.3.6 It is forbidden to smoke or vape on school grounds.

1.II.3.7 Vehicles must be parked outside the premises of the school, except with prior and exclusive authorization given by the administration.

1.II.3.8 Student lockers

Each secondary school student has a locker with a personal padlock and is therefore responsible for their belongings. The school declines all responsibility in the event of loss or theft.

1.II.3.9 Lost objects

A lost and found space in the Primary building and a basket in the secondary gymnasium are available and are emptied during each school holiday period. Information will be sent to make items found regularly available to parents.



2.I.1 Days and hours of opening and closing of the school

A calendar giving the dates of the holidays is posted on the website each year.

A staff consultation day is also planned during the year and the school will exceptionally be closed to students on this day.

The school is open Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. A reception at the gate is provided from 8 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. The Vulkan site is open from 8:15 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.

For preschool

A welcome service is set up at 7:45 a.m. each morning. Class hours are 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., 2:30 p.m. on Fridays. During certain school holidays, the preschool welcomes children in a kindergarten-type organization (no school learning) from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.

A daycare service is available from 2:45 p.m. (2:30 p.m. on Fridays) to 4:45 p.m.

For elementary school

  • Start of class at 8:30 a.m. Monday to Friday. End of classes at 2:45 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. on Friday.
  • At the end of the lessons, the Primary students are either picked up by their parents or not depending on the authorizations, or take part in the study from 2:45 p.m. to 4:55 p.m. request at least 24 hours in advance by e-mail, or participate in extra-curricular activities Students not registered for these activities must leave the school at the end of the course.

For secondary school

  • Classes may take place from 8:35 AM to 5:15 PM (exceptionally until 6:10 PM for upper-grade levels) depending on the student’s timetable. After their last class of the day, students must leave the school premises unless participating in study sessions, which take place during the last two hours of the day and are supervised by staff after signing a contract.
  • Outside these hours, the school is not responsible for students.
  • Activities organized outside these hours are optional and require parental authorization.



2.II.1 Access rules in the school

The persons authorized to enter the school are the students, the school staff and the official partners. Parents do not have access to the buildings and the courtyard, except by invitation.

The school reserves the right to regulate flows and access to the school for security reasons. During the school day, the gates are closed, people wishing to access should contact them by telephone.

Anyone from outside the school must report to the secretariat. All members of the educational community must also be vigilant and report anyone from outside the school.

For preschool

  • Parents drop off their children in the classroom through the designated preschool gate after using the lockers and restrooms. For safety and space reasons, parents are asked to leave the premises quickly.

For primary school

  • Parents pick up their children at Oscar gate at the end of school, children are brought there by their teacher.
  • For study hall or extracurricular activities, pickup locations (Oscar Gate or Skovveien Gate) are communicated in advance.

For secondary school

  • Students and employees have independent access to the courtyard via the code gate. It is forbidden to disclose the code to other users, the code is changed regularly for security reasons. Users must ensure that the door closes well after their passage and not let anyone else enter.
  • For the Vulkan annex, users have a badge which allows them to access the floors. This badge should not be loaned to anyone and should not be forgotten. Any loss must be promptly reported to school life.

Two-wheeler access is limited to the parking area at the bicycle parking level. All vehicle traffic is prohibited within the premises. The use of bicycles, scooters or other skateboards is prohibited within the premises of the school. Users must get off their means of transport so as not to injure users. The use of an anti-theft system is mandatory.

At Vulkan, students have access to outdoor and covered bicycle parking nearby.

2.II.2 Movements of class between lessons

For secondary school

All travel must be done calmly in order to preserve the well-being and safety of everyone.

At recess at 10.25 a.m. and at 3.10 p.m., pupils must go to the courtyard, to the foyer or to the CDI.  They must not remain in the halls. No business should be left in the corridors outside of the lockers.

Classrooms must be closed during recess and in the evening. The change of room between two lessons cannot be considered as recreation. Teachers with 2 hours of lessons are responsible for students in the inter-class.

2.II.3 Rules for leaving the school

2.II.3.1 Regulatory framework

For Primary school

Students may not leave the premises during the school day without an exceptional written authorization from their parents specifying pickup arrangements.

For Middle School in Skovveien (6th-7th-8th grades, 6ème-5ème-4ème)

Students are under the responsibility of the school from their first class of the day to their last. Students are not allowed to leave the premises between classes in the event of a teacher’s absence or a free period.
For safety reasons, students may only enter and exit the buildings during break times or between classes.

For 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, and 12th grade students

Students may leave the premises when they have no scheduled classes, unless there is an explicit written request from the parents stating otherwise.
In the event of an accident or illness, students are not permitted to leave the school without authorization from the school administration, which will contact the families.

2.II.3.2 Teacher Absence:

For Preschool and Elementary:
Students remain under the school’s supervision during teaching hours and, for those concerned, during the opening hours of after-school care and study sessions.

For Secondary:
In the event of a teacher’s absence, students remain in the classroom, whenever possible, in supervised study sessions under the guidance of an education assistant. If supervised study sessions are not available, students may go to the common room, the library, or the school life office.
The daily schedule may also be adjusted, allowing students to start later or finish earlier. The updated schedule is communicated via Pronote. If a schedule adjustment is not announced the day before on Pronote, parents may be contacted for permission to allow the student to leave school earlier.
The school emphasizes that if a student leaves the premises without authorization, the school can no longer be held responsible.

2.II.4 Conditions for moving students outside the school

The rules of procedure also apply outside the premises of the school in the context of school activities. In addition, the specific regulations of the place of activity must be respected. Students must demonstrate exemplary behavior in order to sustain external partnerships.

2.II.4.1 Travel between the school and a place of regular school activity

During travel between the school and a place of regular school activity, students are accompanied by their teacher. Only 3e and high school students are allowed to travel independently. For middle school students, if the activity begins at the beginning of the morning or ends at the end of the afternoon, the students may, unless otherwise advised by the parents, travel by their own means to get to or from the place of activity.

2.II.4.2 Travel outside during school time

Outings are the subject of information and a request for prior authorization from the teacher to the Director of the primary school or the Principal. A request for authorization is sent to the parents if the outing is chargeable.

2.II.4.3 Travel outside the school outside school hours

Outings are the subject of information and a request for prior authorization from the teacher to the Director of the primary school or the Principal. They are also framed according to the laws in force (French or Norwegian, according to the principle of “best-covering”). A request for authorization is sent to the parents.

2.II.4.4 Conditions for authorizing unsupervised outings

On the occasion of internships in companies, group work, students can go out individually or in small groups, for the purposes of an activity related to teaching. They have an exit plan, a schedule to follow and work instructions. These documents must be validated by the teacher and confirmed by the Principal or his representative.

2.II.4.5 Educational Trips:
Educational trips are solely for educational and pedagogical purposes. They are strictly aligned with the annual curriculum for a specific class. These trips are proposed and organized exclusively by one or more teachers of the class and require prior approval from the Institution Council (Conseil d’Établissement) or the School Council (Conseil d’École).

The proceeds from all activities aimed at reducing the project’s cost are pooled for the benefit of the entire group in accordance with the principle of solidarity. These activities are initiated by parents of students but are subject to the authorization of the Head of School.


See the charter for the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the school.



1) Flow of information

L’information est diffusée par le cartable électronique ou par courriel. Les membres de la communauté scolaire s’engagent à consulter régulièrement ces outils.

Les parents peuvent, par ce biais, demander des entrevues privées avec chaque enseignant. Ils ont aussi la possibilité de rencontrer le Proviseur, le Directeur de l’école primaire ainsi que le Conseiller Principal d’Éducation (vie scolaire) et les personnels du Pôle bien-être santé et orientation.

Un site Internet est également consultable :

Ce site comporte de très nombreuses informations pratiques et sera consulté régulièrement.

Les parents du secondaire peuvent consulter à tout moment les notes, absences et retards de leurs enfants sur le logiciel choisi par l’établissement. Un cahier de texte électronique rempli par les professeurs est également consultable en ligne. Un code d’accès est remis aux nouveaux parents et aux nouveaux élèves à la rentrée. Ils le conservent pendant toute la durée de leur scolarité dans l’établissement.

2) Principles of Communication

It is of utmost importance for the proper functioning of the school that all members of the educational community strive to communicate constructively. To this end, we ask everyone to follow the recommendations below when contacting and interacting with others:

  • In most cases, the best person to address your concern will be the one who knows the topic best. Start by reaching out to the person directly involved.
  • If you wish to contact a staff member whose details you do not have, please reach out to the secondary school office (Vie scolaire) for middle and high school or the primary school office for preschool and elementary.
  • Email communication is welcome and should respect working hours and allow for a reasonable response time. Current technology makes it possible to schedule emails written in the evening or on weekends to be sent later.
  • Limit the use of emails to sharing information, factual questions, or scheduling appointments. If your messages are concise and focused on a single topic, it will be easier to provide you with a clear and timely response.
  • By demonstrating courtesy and respect, especially when addressing difficult or contentious issues, you contribute to creating a positive dialogue and effectively finding appropriate solutions.
  • During meetings or councils, it is important not to bring up situations involving a specific staff member in front of their colleagues or superiors. Such matters should be addressed beforehand or after the class council directly with the person concerned.
  • If you feel that the situation has not been resolved satisfactorily after discussing it with the person involved, it is important to inform the administration (either directly or through a mediator). The administration will take the necessary steps to improve the situation through dialogue with the person concerned.
  • In the case of a serious or urgent matter, it is essential to promptly notify both the person involved and the administration.

3) The Class Council

The class council meets three times a year at the end of each term. It is composed of its president (the Principal and/or the Principal Education Advisor), the teaching staff, the Principal Education Advisor, two class representatives, two parent representatives, and any other individuals whose expertise may be relevant. The homeroom teacher presents the students’ academic results and reports on observations made by the teaching team regarding the class as a whole.

The class council reviews each student’s academic progress, provides an assessment of their performance, and offers advice to help them with their studies and future academic or career choices.

The class council makes recommendations for student orientation, particularly at the end of the school year.

In high school, from 10th grade to 12th grade (classes de 2nde à Terminale), based on the effort and results achieved, the council may issue commendations, congratulations, encouragements, or warnings related to work or behavior.

Members of the council are bound by a duty of confidentiality and solidarity regarding the decisions made during the meetings. A confidentiality agreement will be presented for signature to student and parent representatives at the beginning of each meeting, and a verbal reminder will be given at the start of the session.

4) Information Meetings

A meeting for all parents is scheduled once a year for each class. In secondary school, a parent-teacher meeting is held mid-year. However, all families may contact teachers or the administration to arrange a scheduled appointment. Parents are also invited to various informational meetings depending on the topic and the grade level concerned.

5) Representative Bodies

The roles and responsibilities of each representative body are detailed on the website at, under the “Jurisdictions” section. Minutes from each council meeting are also published there.

3.I.1.1.a School Council:
At the primary school level, the school council meets once per term to discuss the life of the school. This council consists of elected parent representatives for each class, teachers, and the Primary School Director, who acts as the chairperson.

3.I.1.1.b School Establishment Council:
The school establishment council, chaired by the Head of School, is composed of administrative representatives, annually elected representatives (teachers, parents, and students), and invited guests. It is responsible for all pedagogical and educational matters within the school.

3.I.1.1.c Board of Administration (ALFO):
The Board of Administration oversees the school’s financial management. It is chaired by and composed of parent representatives elected during the general parent assembly, as well as designated members from the administration, school staff, and the French Embassy.

6) Your Contacts:
For detailed contact information, please refer to contacts and access.



3.II.1 Security

The school follows local safety standards as well as those of the AEFE.

Evacuation routes are displayed on each floor and safety instructions are available in each room.

A procedure is put in place and must be followed for each situation according to a safety plan in the event of major risks (evacuation, intrusion alert, confinement, etc.) 3 exercises are held each year to prepare students and improve procedures.

3.II.2 Insurance

The school has taken out insurance covering all the educational activities offered by the establishment. It is imperative to immediately report accidents and follow the procedures indicated in order to benefit from this insurance. Only medical costs of public health services are covered by our insurance.

3.II.3 Hygiene, health & social service

3.II.3.1 Medical Service

In the event of an accident or illness, the school contacts the family. The student may be referred to a hospital. The person, member of the establishment, who witnessed the facts draws up a report which he submits to the Principal and the Director of Primary.

A nurse from the municipality of Oslo works two days a week in the establishment for prevention missions, control visits and for monitoring the compulsory vaccination program. In addition, the school has health personnel and the infirmary is open throughout school hours. On the Vulkan site, first aid will be given by school life or any trained adult. The nurse can intervene on specific health projects but does not perform on-site permanence.

3.II.3.2 Social service :

The LFO works with the social services of the municipality of residence of the children and with the services of the Norwegian state. The well-being center is also attentive to students and parents and intervenes in all psycho-social issues.


Students bring their own meals, which are eaten in the classroom under the supervision of school staff.

For middle school students, meals are taken with semi-autonomy. Meals must be eaten calmly, and students are required to respect the space and leave it clean. After finishing their meal, students must go to the courtyard, and this must be done before 12:55 PM.

Meals may only be eaten in designated areas, such as the specified dining rooms, the courtyard, or the common room at the Vulkan site, and under no circumstances in other parts of the school.




Any student who does not respect the internal regulations of the school or who disturbs the life of the establishment in any other way, will have to respond to a request for compensation or to the sanctions listed below.

4.I.1 Request for reparation or punishment

They can be imposed on pupils in the event of minor breaches of their obligations or in the event of disruption of the life of the class or the establishment. They can be pronounced by management staff, education staff and teachers.

They can also be pronounced on the proposal of other non-teaching members of the educational community, by management and education staff. It can be a written observation communicated to the legal representatives, oral or written apologies, additional work, work of general interest, detention, punctual exclusions from a course.

4.I.2 Disciplinary sanctions

Disciplinary sanctions are measures falling under the Principal or the disciplinary council, exclusively, for attacks on persons or property, or serious breaches of the obligations of pupils.

Are pronounced by the Principal or the disciplinary council: the warning, the reprimand, the temporary exclusion which cannot exceed 5 days (from CP to 5E).

4.I.3 Disciplinary Board

It follows the provisions of the AEFE.

It is composed of :

  • The Principal or his deputy
  • The main education adviser (CPE)
  • The Administrative and Financial Director
  • Five staff representatives, including four for teaching and education staff and one for administrative staff
  • Three representatives of the parents of pupils and two representatives of the pupils

It is up to the Principal to assess whether there is reason to initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student.

When the Principal, seized in writing of a request for referral to the disciplinary council from a member of the school community, decides not to initiate disciplinary proceedings, he notifies him of his reasoned decision.

Prior to the implementation of a disciplinary procedure, the headteacher and the educational team seek, as far as possible, any useful measure of an educational nature. The convening of the council thus appears as an ultimate and serious solution.

In compliance with local law, the internal regulations set the sanctions that can be imposed on students:

  • The warning
  • The blame
  • Temporary exclusion, which cannot exceed 5 days (limited to one day for students from CP to 5e, and up to 3 days for students from 4e to seconde), applies to exclusion from the school or any of its associated services.
  • Definitive exclusion from the establishment or one of its associated services.

The Principal can pronounce alone, the sanctions of the warning, the reprimand or the temporary exclusion of 5 days at most from the mostt when they are provided for by the internal regulations of the establishment drawn up in accordance with the provisions of article R.451-11 of the education code.

The Disciplinary Board is competent, when it is seized, to pronounce all the sanctions provided for in the internal regulations of the school, including those which may be imposed by the Principal alone.

4.I.4 Preventive, Reparative, and Supportive Measures

Preventive measures, reparative measures (imposed independently or alongside a sanction), and supportive measures are implemented by the Principal or the Disciplinary Council.


4.II.1 Reprieve

A disciplinary sanction may be accompanied by a total or partial suspension.

4.II.2 Conservatory measures

Pending the appearance of a student before the disciplinary council, the Principal may prohibit him from entering the establishment.

4.II.3 Registration of penalties

The recording of sanctions, other than the definitive exclusion, is automatically erased one year after the notification of the sanction.

Internal Regulations approved by the School Council on October 14, 2024.


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