First child price | Second child price -15% | 3rd and following price-30% | Company / Employer price |
Elementary school | 41.000 | 34.850 | 28.700 | 85.200 |
Middle school 6e à 4e | 44.500 | 37.825 | 31.150 | 106.500 |
Middle school 3e | 46.600 | 39.610 | 32.620 | 106.500 |
Highschool * | 162.000 | 137.700 | 113.400 | 229.900 |
The fees for the ‘maternelle’ correspond to the “makspris” set by the Parliament. These fees are susceptible to change during the year. Reductions can be applied according to the conditions set by the municipality of Oslo.
The fee “makspris” is set at 3,000 NOK per month. The price is calculated based on the “makspris” effective 01/01/2024 according to the information of the government. This “makspris” has been revised to 2,000 NOK per month starting on 01/08/2024.
An email is sent to the families by the management service in the beginning of the school year on the pricing of the ‘maternelle’ and the deductions set by the Oslo municipality. The information presented below is susceptible to change depending on the decisions of the municipality of Oslo.
First child price | Second child price -15% | 3rd and following price-30% | Company/Employer price** | |
Elementary school | 38.500 | 32.725 | 26.950 | 80.000 |
Middle school 6e à 4e | 41.800 | 35.530 | 29.260 | 100.000 |
Middle school 3e | 43.800 | 37.230 | 30.660 | 100.000 |
High school * | 155.150 | 131.877 | 108.605 | 220.000 |
Preschool fees correspond to the “makspris” set by Parliament for the 2023 calendar year, and change at the beginning of the calendar year. Reductions may be applied in accordance with the procedures laid down by the Oslo municipality.
The “makspris” rate is NOK 3,050 per month. The price indicated is calculated́ on the basis of the “makspris” in force on 01/01/2023 according to government information.
An e-mail is sent to families at the beginning of the school year about the preschool fees and the discounts applied by the Oslo municipality. The arrangements set out below are subject to change depending on decisions taken by the Oslo municipality.
Frais de scolarité | Tarif ainé | Tarif second enfant | Tarif 3e enfant et suivants | Tarif entreprise |
Maternelle | 33 550 | 33 550 | 33 550 | 33 550 |
Elementaire | 35 000 | 29 750 | 24 500 | 52 500 |
College 6e/4e | 38 000 | 32 300 | 26 600 | 57 000 |
College 3e | 40 000 | 34 000 | 28 000 | 60 000 |
Lycée | 145 000 | 123 250 | 101 500 | 217 500 |
Lanekasse | 100 842 | 100 842 | 100 842 | |
Reste à charge | 44 158 | 22 408 | 658 | |
Etudes | 18 000 | 18 000 | 18 000 | 18 000 |