Sociology book club

Once again this year, several 1ere and Terminal year students in the Economics and Social Sciences/ Sociology specialization took part in the book club to choose the winner of the SES high school student book prize.

Like last year, the themes addressed through the 8 books in the selection were varied: rural sociology, sociology of gender, economics and sociology of work, international economics, ecology…

New this year, 2 comics were part of the selection and we really appreciated them.

Another novelty: we discussed our views and opinions as readers with the students of Ms. Rebeschini, SES teacher at the French high school in Niamey (Niger). Thus the pleasure of reading is combined with the ability to argue, to express oneself orally and with the curiosity to discover the tastes of others.

For the year 2021-2022, the student juries of the various participating high schools awarded the 1st and 2nd SES book high school prizes to :

1st price

La folle histoire de la mondialisation

The Crazy story of globalisation

by Enzo, Isabelle Bensidoun et Sébastien Jean. Les Arènes, 2021

2nd price

Transfuges de sexe. Passer les frontières du genre

Sex defectors. Crossing gender boundaries

by Emmanuel Beaubatie. Edition la Découverte 2021

Merci encore à Fabien Meynier et Frédéric Desmedt, coordonnateurs du Prix lycéen du livre d’économie et de sciences sociales

Thanks again to Fabien Meynier and Frédéric Desmedt, coordinators of the High School Book Prize for Economics and Social Sciences