The 6emes 2024 Telemark trip

Our 6th graders have just returned from a week in Telemark, where our teaching team had prepared a cohesion trip to get their year at school off to a good start. This trip, an LFO tradition, enables each new class to get to know each other, forge links and take on various challenges together.
Here’s an exhaustive summary of the week’s activities.

On the first day, the teachers organized four workshops:

  • Science activity with Mr. Jaumouillé, SVT teacher: they took up challenges in teams, and discovered local biodiversity (slugs, millipedes, wood, minerals such as gravel, rocks).
  • Frisbee “disc-golf” workshop with Mr. Guise, PE teacher: learn to throw and catch, and finish a 5-target course.
  • Abseiling workshop with Lars, our hytte manager
  • Laser-run workshop with PE teacher Mr Terral: similar to biathlon, alternating sprinting and concentration to shoot at the target.

After all these activities, the children had dinner and then had the chance to listen to three Norwegian tales told by a local storyteller, in their pyjamas and wrapped up in their sleeping bags, for a very koselig Norwegian evening.

On the second day, the students hiked through the forest and mountains to the Skålbuvatnet, Fiskevatnet and Sandvatnet lakes, combining walking, canoeing and climbing to the viewpoint. A 17 km event that the pupils successfully completed!

On Thursday, they gave way to the Olympic spirit for their final day!Opening ceremony with delegation parade, raft building, archery, laser-run relay, disc-golf and closing ceremony. The students demonstrated exemplary creativity and commitment in this Olympic year.

Having returned home on Friday, they are now ready to embark on their “real lives” as schoolchildren, their heads full of memories and the strength of new friendships.

Well done to the students for their energy and good humor, and thank you to the teachers who made this possible and organize this wonderful project every year.