This year, eight students from the Frensh High School of Oslo participated for the first time in EUROmad organized by the Frensh High School of Madrid, bringing together 15 french high schools students and more than 200 participants from all over Europe and North Africa. This modeling started on the 4th of February 4 and ended on the 7th of February.
EUROmad is a modeling of the European Council organized by the Frensh High school of Madrid for the second year. And for the first time, in 2021. The LFO was invited to participate.
During this modeling, the students will think, debate and come together to find the best solutions to the current problems of the European Union. To do so, each student represents a country on a committee by playing the role of a minister or head of state.
The goal is thus to defend the best interests of his country, by making amendments and by voting to arrive at a legal text. This project allows you to get involved and learn a lot about the European Union, to develop your eloquence, to overcome your shyness and also to meet new people.
This year, because of the pandemic, the debates, as well as all of the modeling, will take place on Zoom. However, this Zoom arrangement has not prevented in any way the students from making new acquaintances, having fun and getting the most out of this incredible experience.

The Euromad presidency has chosen to set up eight committees that address some of the major themes and challenges facing the European Union. Each delegate had to write a General Policy Text beforehand, allowing him to present his country’s position in relation to the theme addressed by his committee.
The different committees can be consulted on the site:
- Pauline Guillard represented the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the ASEM Summit
- Silia Dequaire was Minister of the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the Economy and Finance Committee
- Emma Thompsen was Minister of France in the health committee
- Nada Baki was Minister of France in the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
- Jeanne Gérard was Minister of Slovenia in the Education and Culture Committee
- Allegra Coles was Minister of Slovenia in the Committee on Environment and Home Affairs
- Gaëlle Dequaire was Minister of Italy in the Research and Technology Committee
- Benedetta Colella was Minister of Italy in the Commission for Peace and Cooperation in the Middle East
For us LFO students, this event took place entirely within the school premises, between Vika and the main building. Each participant had their own room to benefit from an environment conducive to concentration and seriousness during the debates, however well-deserved breaks could be shared, allowing the students to experience a common adventure.
Together from 8:30 am to 7:15 pm for several days, the delegates shared breakfasts and lunches together, moments which helped to recreate the atmosphere of the trip to Madrid that was canceled this year.

In the front:
Benedetta Colella (Terminal/12th year), Silia Dequaire (Terminal/12th year), Allegra Coles (Première/11th year)
In the back:
Nada Baki (Terminal/12th year, Jeanne Gerard (Première/11th year), Emma Thompsen (Terminal/12th year), Gaelle Dequaire (Première/11th year), Pauline Guillard (Première/11th year)
- For starting, we had to write GPTs (general policy texts). In this way, we were explaining the opinion of the country we represented on the subject of our committee’s debate. These texts allowed us to discover the position of other countries, to begin to establish strategies, that is to say to see which countries to convince and with which countries it would be possible to create an alliance.
- Then, the commissioners proposed a draft of legal text that would be amended by making amendments during the modeling days, to result in a more complete legal text that could satisfy the majority of countries.
- During the modeling days, we had informal debates also called lobbying, where with the alliance we had created, we developed amendments and voting strategies. During formal debates, we voted for or against the proposed amendments, debating. The procedure for formal debates was stricter. Indeed, the speech was organized and directed by the commissioners. Speaking of which, there were also rules to follow, including the use of 3rd person, as well as rights, motions, and points.
- During the modeling, we also had the chance to attend presentations by experts, who came to explain their profession and their point of view on the issue addressed.
- During the debates, we also faced Breaking news which destabilized our debates and added fuel to the fire. It was compromising information whether or not to change our perspective on the subject, change or add amendments.In the economy and finance committee, this even resulted in the exit (or at least the attempt to exit) from the European Union of Poland.
- In the last formal debate, we had to vote for the final version of the draft legal text, with all the changes made. In all the committees the texts are passed, with a majority or unanimity depending on the committees.
Besides the serious part, Euromad also offered a moment of entertainment called the “Gossip box”. This gossip box was simply a virtual space where delegates could offer pledges, ask anonymous questions or comments. These moments were full of excitement, getting to know the other participants while dancing and having fun.
In addition, the LFO students being grouped together, they were able to participate in the gossip box of the various commissions. Thus, hidden talents were revealed among the students: Emma and Allegra tango together, some danced the Macarena or even sang The Snow Queen!
The Euromad event has been very good experince for all of us. It first introduced us to the functioning of the European Union: the committees, the formality of debates.
It also allowed us to learn to put ourselves in the shoes of a delegate, to express the interests of the country we represent, to use the third person, to share the speech.
This experience has enabled us to develop our eloquence and our dialectical capacity, skills that are useful and rewarding for our future.
In addition, the Euromad experience allowed us to have an unforgettable time, and to create new friendships that last beyond modeling, binding young people from all over Europe through the European Union.
Benedetta Colell, Silia Dequaire, Allegra Coles,
Nada Baki, Jeanne Gerard, Emma Thompsen, Gaelle Dequaire, Pauline Guillard