SES High School Award

Poverty, social ties, ecology… The new podium for the SES high school student book prize once again touches on varied but central societal issues.

Braving the distance learning courses, the health crisis, the program to complete and the preparation of the French baccalaureate, our first year students and their SES teachers took the time to read, share their points of view, and select three books among the 8 proposed.

Their peers from many other high schools also voted, and in the end, for the year 2020/2021, the student juries awarded the SES High School Book Prize to our favorite book:

Where does the poor’s money go?

Political fantasies, sociological realities by Denis Colombi, (Sociologist professor… of SES!) published by Payot in 2020

See Denis Colombi :

“Done with the idea that the poor mismanage their money”

Second place goes to:

  • Those who remain. Making a living in the declining countryside written by Benoît Coquard, La Découverte 2019

And, very close (1 point) on the third step, the students chose:

  • A planet to save: Six challenges for 2050 by Serge Marti, edited by Odile Jacob in 2020

Thanks again to Fabien Meynier and Frédéric Desmedt, coordinators of the High School Book Prize for Economics and Social Sciences

The selection for the year 2020-21 was:
Une planète à sauver : Six défis pour 2050, Serge Marti
L’économie vue des médias : Anatomie d’une obsession morale, par Michaël Lainé
Les oubliées du numérique, Isabelle Collet
Le genre du capital. Comment la famille reproduit les inégalités, Céline Bessière et Sibylle Gollac
Ceux qui restent, Faire sa vie dans les campagnes en déclin, Benoît Coquard
Sociologie du football, Stéphane Beaud, Frédéric Rasera
Une monnaie écologique, Alain Grandjean et Nicolas Dufrêne
Où va l'argent des pauvres: Fantasmes politiques, réalités sociologiques, par Denis Colombi