Committee for Health, Citizenship, and Environmental Education

Committee for Health, Citizenship, and Environmental Education

The CESCE is a body for reflection, observation, and vigilance that conceives, implements, and evaluates actions in the areas of prevention and education in citizenship, health, and environmental issues. This comprehensive and unifying approach aims to provide greater coherence and visibility to the educational policy of the institution and also fosters partnerships based on the issues addressed (nature of the institution, target audience, environment, etc.).

The CESCE is thus the privileged body for the implementation of programs on the following educational themes:

  • Education for Well-being

  • Education for Safety

  • Environmental Education

  • Citizenship Education

Members of the Committee

Under the leadership of the school headmaster, the CESCE brings together:

  • The director of the primary school and the main educational advisor (CPE),

  • Staff from the well-being department,

  • Representatives of teaching staff from all disciplines,

  • Parent representatives,

  • Student representatives: class representatives and eco-representatives.


Presentation and analysis of actions 2022-2023

Environment - 55 hours

CE1: my Little Planet
CM1: Route du Rhum project
CM2: TARA Zenos project

Secondary: E3D diagnosis, E3D committee, E3D Zenos, E3D delegate actions, My Little Planet
6ème, 4ème: the future of water
6ème, 5ème, 4ème: Spring cleaning
Terminale: Environmental Justice

Santé - 82 heures

LFOCross-country run of the LFO
Petite Section, Moyenne Section, Grande SectionDiverse Diet / Fruits & Vegetables, Emotions: What I Feel, What I Need, Hygiene: Hand Washing
Grande SectionToothbrushing and Dental Care
CE2BHygiene: Microbes, Bacteria, and Viruses
CM2The puberty
6eMMR vaccination
5eFirst Aid Training in the Infirmary, HPV Vaccinations
4e, 3eSTI
3eFirst Aid Training, vaccination, World AIDS Day / HIV Awareness Day
2nde, 3eWorkshop on Identity
3e, 2nde, 1reWorkshop on Substance Abuse
3e, 1e, TaleExam accommodations
TerminaleNimenrix vaccine, providing immunity against invasive meningococcal infections, information session on the theme of “risky behaviors during the RUSS festivities

Bien-être - 188,5 heures


  • Living Together: What is Friendship? (CM1)
  • Workshop on “Emotions” (CM1, CM2)
  • Social Media: What is it, What is it for? (CM2)
  • Well-being and Relaxation (CM1, CM2)
  • Prevention of Bullying / Cyberbullying (CM1, CM2)
  • Taste Week (CE2, CM1, CM2)
  • Preparing for My Entry into 6ème (CM2)

Middle School:

  • New Student Meeting (6ème, 5ème, 4ème, 3ème)
  • Parent Coffee Chat: My Child is Different (6ème, 5ème, 4ème, 3ème)
  • Parent Coffee Chat: Assessments, Skills in Middle School (6ème, 5ème, 4ème, 3ème)
  • Sexuality Education (6ème, 5ème, 4ème, 3ème)
  • Equality Between Girls and Boys (6ème, 5ème, 4ème, 3ème)
  • Living Together: What is Friendship? Recognizing one’s emotions and those of others. Why do we give homework and assessments?  (6ème)
  • Diversity: All the Same, All Different? (5ème)
  • Prevention of Bullying & Cyberbullying (5ème)
  • Social Media: What is it, What is it for? (4ème)
  • Parent Coffee Chat: Social Environment of the Class (3ème)
  • Living Together (3ème)

High School:

  • New Student Meetings (2nde, 1ere, Terminale)
  • Student Survey
  • Stress Management “Ready for Exams!”
  • Sexuality Education
  • Risky Behavior
  • Vivre ensemble : c’est quoi l’amitié ? (CM1)
  • Atelier “les émotions” (CM1, CM2)
  • Les réseaux sociaux : c’est quoi, ça sert à quoi ? (CM2)
  • Bien-être et détence (CM1, CM2)
  • Prévention Harcélement / Cyberharcélement (CM1, CM2)
  • Semaine du Goût (CE2, CM1, CM2)
  • Préparer mon entrée en 6ème (CM2)
  • Rencontres nouveaux élèves (6ème, 5ème, 4ème, 3ème)
  • Café des parents : Mon enfant est différent (6ème, 5ème, 4ème, 3ème)
  • Café des parents : Evaluations, compétences au collège (6ème, 5ème, 4ème, 3ème)
  • Education à la sexualité (6ème, 5ème, 4ème, 3ème)
  • Egalité entre les filles et les garçons (6ème, 5ème, 4ème, 3ème)
  • Vivre ensemble/ C’est quoi l’amitié ? Reconnaître ses émotions et celles des autres. Pourquoi donne t-on des devoirs et des évaluations ? (6ème)
  • La différence, Tous pareils, tous différents ? (5ème)
  • Prévention harcèlement & cyberharcèlement (5ème)
  • Les réseaux sociaux : c’est quoi, ça sert à quoi ? (4ème)
  • Café des parents : environnement social de la classe (3ème)
  • Vivre ensemble (3ème)
  • Rencontres nouveaux élèves (2nde, 1ere, Terminale)
  • Elevundersøkelsen
  • Gestion du stress
  • “Prêt(e) pour les examens !”
  • Education à la sexualité
  • Conduite à risque

Safety - 31 hours

LFO: Attack Drill, Fire Drill, Lockdown Drill, Operation PAPI
Preschool, Kindergarten: Avoiding Dangers in the Playground
CE1, CE2: APER (First Road Education Certificate) CM1: Learning First Aid
5ème: ASSR1 (Road Safety Certificate Level 1)
3ème: ASSR2 (Road Safety Certificate Level 2)


Sexuality education

The Body and Its Diversity. Getting to Know Oneself Better.

The Body – The Sense Organs. Students explore and bring to their awareness their sense organs: “Hearing, Sight, Smell, Taste, and Touch.” Our senses allow us to perceive who we are and to discover the world around us.

A sensory experience is offered to students to sharpen their internal perceptions. Starting with the discovery of different foods, they express their tastes and preferences. Learning to talk about what one likes and dislikes.

Early Signs of Puberty

An extension of what is covered in SVT (Life and Earth Sciences).

Intimacy. The Body and Its Diversity. Tolerance and Curiosity.

Body Hair: Where do we have hair? Your preconceptions about hair. Why do we have hair? Keeping or removing hair: a choice?

The Digital World and Sexuality
  • Understanding the specifics of cyber violence and cyber sexism
  • Informing about the legal framework and resources in case of issues on the Internet
  • Guiding the reflection on the responsible attitude to adopt
  • Promoting understanding of the impact of words and the responsibility of actions both in real life and online
  • Facilitating the development of a reflection on the attitude to adopt towards a victim of cyber sexism (supporting without judgment, expressing empathy and kindness)
Gender in the Professional World. Gender Equality, Discrimination, and Sexism.
  • Identifying sexist stereotypes: working with advertising posters (promoting student fairs, career forums…)
  • Guiding the reflection on the consequences of gender stereotypes in academic orientation
  • The role of school in the transmission of these stereotypes
    Additional elements of the session: Words and expressions of everyday language and their role in discrimination, exclusion, judgment of values…
Consent. Law and Sexuality.

Presentation on consent and the legal framework in different countries. Discussion and debates.

Body Autonomy: Contraception and Abortion

Reproductive control: the ability to prevent having a child when one does not want to. The ability to have a child when one cannot. Ethical issues associated (surrogacy).

Risky Behaviors. Consent. Contraception and STIs.

Presentation of local partners and resources.

Getting to Know Oneself Better. Sexuality and Pleasure. Consent.

Practical workshop to learn to feel what I want and to “read” what the other wants. Consent in foreplay. Are “foreplay” only “before” making love? Or are they sexual acts in their own right? Small workshops: Buffet (recognizing one’s appetite), hand contact (what I want to give/what the other wants to receive), responsibility to say STOP, saying and receiving a “no.”

Getting to Know Oneself Better. Sexuality and Pleasure.

Love is not just a sexual act. Let’s talk about pleasure. The importance of self-awareness, taking time, and communicating.

Sexuality and Society. Gender equality, discrimination, and sexism.

Words and expressions of everyday language and their role in discrimination, exclusion, judgment of values… inclusivity/non-inclusivity of language, other forms of discrimination (racism…).


3ème, 2nde, 1re, Terminale: Career Fair 3ème: Carbon Zero DNA, Orientation, and CDI
2nde: DNA, internship, specialty choice
3ème and 2nde: Affelnet Première: Virtual Fair, St Olaf College
1ère, Terminale: Grand Oral Orientation, Parcoursup, Orientation Advisory Board, Science Po, alumni
Terminale: Norwegian Orientation, Campus France, UK, EDHEC, Hotelschool The Hague, and EADA Business School Barcelona.


Secondary: CVC/CVL, Loppemarked, class life hour, class delegates’ election, delegate training
CM1, CM2: Representatives’ Council
3ème: Bleuet de France Campaign, November 11th ceremony
3ème and Seconde: Debate Workshop: What if we debated…
Seconde, Première, Terminale: Cleaning of rooms at Vulkan, Foyer, MDL General Assembly
Première and Terminale: Caen Plea Arguments

Analysis of the 2022-2023 Program

  • Pathways addressed across all levels

  • Estimated at 520 hours throughout the year to successfully implement all proposed actions and workshops for secondary education.

Presentation of the actions for 2023-2024

Presentation of the actions for 2023-2024

With the support of Erasmus+ funding, our COOPE 2024 project in Oslo from January 22 to 26 will involve 33 eco-representatives. Our agenda includes key events such as triennial general assemblies, training sessions in September 2023, and participation in the Eco-Representative Action Award with the AEFE in March 2024. In April 2024, our primary and secondary students will participate in Ma Petite Planète. Later in the year, COOPE 2024 will move to Copenhagen from April 15 to 19 with 15 eco-delegates. Our projects also include nature outings for all students from 6th to Terminal, a climate mural in Terminal in November 2024, nature and recycling initiatives in kindergarten during periods 4 and 5, and an elementary collaboration on the preservation of fauna and flora in periods 1 and 2. Join us in our commitment to a sustainable future!

Nature trail in Sciences

For a young urban dweller, establishing a connection with nature is not always straightforward. Nevertheless, nature has much to teach us, starting with reminding us of our roots.

The goal of the nature trail initiated by the SVT (Science and Life of the Earth) teachers is to rewild, allowing each student to, at least once a year, leave the classroom and explore species and ecosystems in natural spaces close to them.

6th grade: School trip to Telemark. (August 28th to September 1st, 2023)
7th grade: Outing to Sognsvann
8th grade: Outing with camping in the Nordmarka forest.
9th grade: Trip to the Museum of Natural History, overnight stay on the island of Gressholmen (October 2nd and 4th, 2023)
10th grade: School trip to the Sognsvann site (September 6th and 8th, 2023)
11th grade (specialty): School trip to the outskirts of the city in the Rødtvet – Lillomarka area (September 12th, 2023)
12th grade (SVT specialty): Naturalistic and geological outing in the Oslo Fjord in April 2024.

COOPE 2024 Oslo and Copenhagen

In January 2024, our high school will host the first part of the meetings for eco-representatives from the North-West Europe and Scandinavia region of the AEFE.

A delegation of around 60 eco-representatives from Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Oslo, representing 2200 students and over 40 nationalities, will engage in discussions on the theme of the sea and oceans. They will deepen their knowledge of sustainable development and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and work on concrete projects.

The second stage will be the organization of a COP (Conference of the Parties) in spring 2024 in Copenhagen, where our eco-delegates will make strong commitments to climate and biodiversity and carry them back to their schools upon their return. This project is supported and coordinated by the eco-committee of our AEFE zone. It has received the Erasmus+ label and funds as it involves AEFE middle schools and high schools from the entire North-West Europe and Scandinavia zone, along with their local partners. (Erasmus+ is the EU program for education, training, youth, and sports in Europe.) Moreover, this project is part of a broader framework with two phases over two years: in 2024, three mini-COPs will take place (Scandinavia, the UK + Ireland, and Benelux), and in 2025, a COP for the entire zone is planned in The Hague (Netherlands).

Our partners:


In preschool:

Oral hygiene, personal hygiene, sleep, nutrition.

In elementary school:

CP: Handwashing, germs
CE1: Oral hygiene, germs, work on nutrition
CE2: Work on nutrition
CM1: Personal hygiene
CM2: Personal hygiene

In middle school:

6th grade: Work on “Matpakke” (packed lunch) in connection with the Taste Week
7th grade: Work on sleep in connection with blue light
9th grade: World AIDS Day All levels: Sexuality education

In high school:

RUS Prevention with the RUS consultant from the Grunerløkka district


Theme: Develop empathy and live together

CM2-6th grade: Discussion group “What is friendship? Learning to make friends…”
CM1, CM2, 6th grade, 7th grade: Workshop “Living together, bullying prevention”
CM2, 7th grade, 9rd grade: Workshop “Living together, gender equality”
3rd grade: Workshop “Living together, Social Media: what is it, what is it for?”
CM1, CM2, 6th grade: Workshop “Living together, knowing oneself and recognizing one’s imperfections”
CM1, CM2, 6th grade: Workshop “Living together, the game of differences and similarities between humans,” activity “the tree of diversity”

Theme: Feeling good at school
Alice Gundersen, head cook at the French Embassy during the LFO's Taste Week in 2023
  • 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade: personalized welcome for new arrivals
  • 6th grade: discussion group “Why do we give homework and evaluations?”
  • 10th grade, 7th grade, 9th grade: preparation for the Norwegian survey (Elevundersøkelsen), giving meaning, differences between the French and Norwegian school systems
  • 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade: “Taste Week” workshop
  • 8th grade, 7th grade, 6th grade: workshop “living together, knowing oneself and recognizing one’s imperfections”
  • 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade: Tarot Club
  • High school students: high school students’ pleading contest
  • 6th grade and 9th grade: “Sexuality Education”
  • 6th grade: “Discovering the world with your 5 senses”
  • 9th grade: “Consent”
  • Welcome of 5th grade students in 6th grade: meeting with 6th grade students, tour of the premises


The security program at the French School René Cassin in Oslo includes various training sessions aimed at ensuring the safety of our students and staff. Students participate in practical exercises such as drills for attacks and fires, as well as confinement simulations. They also receive Road Safety Training (ASSR1 in 5th grade and ASSR2 in 3rd grade).

First aid and life-saving gestures training (PCS1 and GQS) are also provided by the school nurse throughout the student’s education at the LFO, from kindergarten to the 10th grade.

Sexual education for secondary school students

General Information

Sexual education is one of the expectations of the national education system. It should be organized from primary to high school, with three dedicated sessions per year per child. At LFO, this plan is currently implemented for secondary school students with two sessions per year. Often confused with the teaching of sexuality in biology classes, especially in the fourth or second year, sexual education is a matter that goes beyond the knowledge of sexual organs, contraception methods, or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is a civic education about sexuality and how it can impact the lives of young people and society as a whole. Consequently, this learning occurs through encounters and discussions with a variety of speakers to try to raise awareness among students about the diversity of its forms.

Organizational Specifics

The practice of interventions in the form of co-animation is an essential organizational element, allowing for an open-minded approach, a cross-cutting perspective, greater listening, and sufficient capacity to meet the expectations of students. The presence of two adults is also essential to ensure the preservation of everyone’s voice (students and speakers). Another crucial organizational element is the formation of appropriately sized groups, allowing for both open dialogue and a certain level of intimacy.


Secondary: CVC/CVL, Loppemarked, class life hour, class delegates’ election, delegate training
CM1, CM2: Representatives’ Council
3ème: Bleuet de France Campaign, November 11th ceremony
3ème and Seconde: Debate Workshop: What if we debated…
Seconde, Première, Terminale: Cleaning of rooms at Vulkan, Foyer, MDL General Assembly
Première and Terminale: Caen Plea Arguments