Halloween contest : Results

Finally, the results are here !

Remember, between the 7th and the 15th of October, a contest of best costumes for Halloween was organised between the “Comité des Fêtes” and the LFO.

After deliberation by the jury composed by the members of CdF and the administration of the LFO, the first prices were give to the winners.

However, the consolation prices will be given to all contestants when they return after the October holidays !

We want to thanks all the contestants, and we will return to you after some time for the result of another contest, organised some months ago.

For now, you can discover the creations just below.

Happy holidays to all ! 

1ere place - Jonathan Chew - CPB
2ème place - Olivia Farrow - CE1B
3ème place - Vazov Alexander - CM1B
Agathe Michel- CE2C
Bastien Pibouleau - CM1A
Daphné Richard - CE2A
Amandine Richard - CM2A
Elias Al Ani - CPC
Gabriel Ollson - CP1C
Lazle Hamko Lellu - CPA
Eva le Poas - CM2A
Marlon Orlson Cronard - Mat6
Vida Sofia Henri Contreras - CM2B
Viktor Thebault - CPB
Ellie Month - Mat4