High school and middle school life council

The CVL, also called high school life council, is an organ of the high school democracy.
The CVL is composed of 10 pupils elected by all the students of the high school. The CVL meets on once every trimester to discuss possible changes suggested by students at the school.

CVC is the equivalent for middle school.

It meets a few times per term to discuss possible changes proposed by the students of the establishment and debate on questions of school work and the living conditions of the students.

It is obligatorily consulted on the following subjects:

  • Organization of studies and school time
  • Development of the establishment project and internal regulations
  • Organization of personal work and student support
  • Guidance-related information on school and university studies and professional careers
  • Health, hygiene, safety and development of spaces intended for high school life
  • Organization of sports, cultural and extracurricular activities: Hours that take place before and after class during which supervision is offered to school children
When its agenda so provides, the CVL may make proposals on the following topics:
  • Training of student representatives
  • Terms of Use for High School Funds

The CVL is composed of : 

Students of 3e1 :
  • Lukas W. 
  • Natalie D. –
Students of 3e2 :
  • Cedrik B.
  • Carla H-L.
Students of 2e1 :
  • Maé T. 
  • Hazza A.
  • Yousef S.
  • Maia C.L.
  • Erik R.
  • Celina G.
  • Constance P-B.
  • Eyasu A.
Students of 2e2 :
  • Céline E.
  • Josselin G.
Students of 1er :
  • Zacharie O.
  • Mila T.
Students of Terminale :
  • Anne Constance S.
  • Jan B.
  • Filippa D-L.
  • Erwann R.
  • Ayman M.
  • Barbara L.
  • Lea E.
  • Emil M.
Parents : 
  • Mme Clerc
  • Mme Cuny
Teachers : 
  • Mme Chevalier
  • Laure Mandola

The CVC is composed of :

Students of 6e1 :
  • Anita W. 
  • Maxime M.
Students of 6e2 :
  • Eva LP-Z
  • Louis T.
Students of 5e1 :
  • Dawit T.
  • Eva C.
  • Riana D.
  • Florient M.
  • Nayah BN.
  • Mayeul D.
  • Abel L.
  • Sibylle D.
Students of 5e2 :
  • Edward T.
  • Lucas
Students of 4e1 :
  • Oscar SH.
  • Sarah F.
Students of 4e2 :
  • Lily Jane G.
  • Luc G.
  • Elias M.
  • Antoine R.
  • Louis P.
  • Julia K.
  • Isabelle J.
  • Marius R.