This page has been specially set up for parents whose children are at the French School in Oslo! Here you’ll find lots of useful information about your child’s school life. Enjoy!
Edumoov is a digital classroom.
The teacher will send you a message with a new password each year. Please, contact the teacher if you forgotten your password
This is a useful tool for communication between school and home for both administrative and pedagogical purposes.
you can find updated timetables, homework, what has been done in class, grades, information for parents, overviews for attendance, lateness and disciplinary measures, school records and so on.
Parents, teachers and students all have access to their respective rooms by means of individual user names and passwords.
The school will email you a user name once your account has been created.
If needed, please contact Olivier Cardot:
It is very important for the school to have an up-to-date database.
Please let us know if your information has changed (address, phone number, etc.) since completing the pre-registration.