Online Pre-registration

School year 2022-2023

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Elementary school secretariat | (+47) 22 92 51 24

Intermediate and High School secretariat | (+47) 22 92 51 20

Preschool registration

Registration before the 1st of mars to start preschool at the end of August 2022.

  • Admission standards in preschool

All children are eligible, including those living outside Oslo and those who do not speak French.

Eligible children must turn 3 during the year and are eligible either :

  • From the date of their 3rd birthday; or
  • From the school start date in August for children who turn 3 between August and December 2022.
  • The child must no longer be wearing diapers.
  • School Fees

See the section on Registration > Financial settlement

  • Preschool hours
    • Reception / nursery takes place every morning, starting at 7: 45, before the preschool starts.
    • Teaching begins at 8:30 and finishes at 14:45, 14:30 on Fridays. Children are welcomed by the preschool teachers at 8:30 and they’re handed back to their families (or to the person in charge whose identity has been communicated in writing in advance) starting at 14:45, and at 14:30 on Fridays.
    • An after-hours nursery is open every afternoon immediately after the end of classes until 16:45
    • During holidays, the kindergarden welcomes children from preschool on days marked “JE” in the calendar (

    NB : Dates of holidays and kindergarden opening (during holidays) will be published during April.

  • Preschool program
  • School rules and regulations

NB : The school is recognized by the Norwegian Ministry of Education according to the Law on education §2-12, but the school’s current official status does not recognize students’ rights as described in Articles 5 and 6 (right to state subsidized psycho-pedagogical follow-up, and transport to school).

By clicking on the following link to continue your registration, you confirm having read and understood all the points and documents named and referred to above and that you accept the conditions therein described.

Registration in elementary school, intermediate and high school

Registration before the 1st of mars to start school at the end of August.

  • Admission standards

Elementary (from 5 to 11 years) and secondary levels (from 12 to 18 years old) are open to all students who wish and are able to follow teaching in French. Where limited capacity in French impedes on the ability to follow and succeed in class, specific follow-up will need to be put in place.

If demand at registration exceeds the school’s capacity, your child may be put on a waiting list. Their application case will be treated holistically, on the basis of the school’s pre-established criteria. .

Notes : 

  • Admission to the French School of Oslo depends on acceptance of the school’s rules and regulations and timely payment of school fees.
  • The school is recognized by the Norwegian Ministry of Education according to the Law on education §2-12, but the school’s current official status does not recognize students’ rights as described in Articles 5 and 6 (right to state subsidized psycho-pedagogical follow-up, and transport to school).


  • School fees

See Registration > Financial regulation