As part of the week of taste, various workshops were set up for primary and middle school classes.
A program was established thanks to the joint work of the Well-being manager, the speaker Laurent Benguigui and the various teachers involved:
For primary classes (CM1):
The large family of dairy products (whey in yogurts and large milk! And if we made butter …). The workshop will offer tastings and manipulations (making butter, cheese, etc.)
For the middle school :
3e : Catering jobs / guidance
4e et 5e : Tell me what you eat: the taste and the countries “Spain and Mexico” tasting of these products, feeling and analyzing the tastes. Reflection on the fact that cultures are different and cuisine is also a product of it
6e : The large family of dairy products(yogurts and large milk! And if we made butter ?).
Thanks to everyone who participate !
Find Laurent’s activities (the host) at these addresses: