Louise Bourgeois Inauguration

Our CE2B, CE2C/CM1 classes and 6eme classes participated this morning in the inauguration of Louise Bourgeois’ sculpture “Maman” exhibited in Slottsparken to integrate the “Royal Collections”.

Our students formed a guard of honor for Her Majesty the Queen of Norway, Sonja Haraldsen, as well as for Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Norway, Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby, present to cut the ribbon.

Following the inauguration, and in the presence of Madame Ambassador of France Florence Robine, our students were able to exchange a few words and take some photos with members of the royal family, before celebrating the end of the event with some snacks!

Louise Bourgeois was a French-American artist known for her sculptures and installations exploring themes such as family, sexuality and femininity. She drew her inspiration from her childhood, her experience as a woman and her relationship with psychoanalysis.

The sculpture “Maman” represents the protective aspect of the artist’s mother, and the 7 existing copies are dedicated to her.