The Spansk Festival is an annual competition to promote the learning of Spanish in Norway, in the form of a short film competition open to all Norwegian students. The theme? The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2023, the goal was gender equality, this year was goal 8: economic growth and education.
For the 3rd consecutive year, the LFO was among the winners:
1st prize middle school category: 2030 a la vuelta de la esquina.mp4
3rd prize high school category (Andine, Timeea, Julianne, Celina): Trabajo infantil e industria
Congratulations to our talented contestants, who won flamenco lessons and a trip to the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares 🇪🇸
And above all, a big GRACIAS to the ambassadors and members of the delegations from Spain, Chile and Peru who came to present the prizes and congratulate our students!